Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Farm Well Campground to Road 28 via Hager Mountain

Farm Well Campground to Road 28 via Hager Mountain

            4 out of 5 for whole trail
            5 out of 5 for segment between road 2916 and end of road 012 and top of Hager Mountain

            Farm Well Campground to Road 2916                                             1.0 miles           
            Road 2916 to Hager Mountain trail junction                                    4.0 miles           
            Hager Mountain trail junction to top of Hager Mountain                 1.0 miles             
            Hager Mountain trail junction to trailhead at end of road 012          1.0 miles
            Trailhead at end of road 012 to Road 28 crossing                             1.5 miles

Elevation Change
            Farm Well Campground to top of Hager Mountain                       +2092 feet
            Road 28 to top of Hager Mountain                                                +1965 feet

GPS Coordinates                                             Latitude                 Longitude
            Farm Well Campground                        43  01.662            120  58.618
            Road 2916 crossing                               43  02.011            120  59.144
            Hager Mtn. trail junction                       43  00.910            121  02.433
            Top of Hager Mountain                         43  00.559            121  01.088
            Trailhead at end of Road 012                43  00.715            121  02.885
            Road 28 crossing                                   43  00.350            121  04.277

Trail Description
This segment of the National Recreational Trail #160 begins at the Farm Well Campground on a high plateau.  The campground has facilities for horses and several ponds.  The trail toward Hager Mountain starts through a gate in a fence on the north side of the campground.  Another more primitive campground is a half mile from Farm Well.  After a mile the trail crosses Road 2916 and begins to climb through a ponderosa pine forest and becomes more interesting.  The first mile can be eliminated by starting from Road 2916. 

Over the next 4 miles the trail rises through ponderosa pines, sugar pines, grand firs and lodgepole pines.  As the trail reaches a meadow after rounding a south-facing ridge with wonderful views to the west and the first view of the lookout on top of Hager Mountain.  Upon reaching the trail junction one can turn left and climb another 800 vertical feet and a mile to the top of Hager Mountain.  There is a road to the top of Hager Mountain on the backside, but it is only available to the ranger.  Rangers are stationed at the lookout throughout the fire season, but available to rent during the winter.  The views from the top are spectacular in all directions.

Turning right at the trail junction takes one down through mountain mahoganies and eventually ponderosa pines.  There is an option to curtail the hike at the top of Road 012 or continue down another 1.5 miles to Road 28.  For those starting the hike from the west, the first 400 vertical feet of the hike can be bypassed by taking the dirt Road 012 for 2 miles to a small parking area and a trail sign.  From this trailhead the top of Hager Mountain is only 1500 vertical feet.

This trail generally works well for hiking, mountain biking and horseback riding.  The trail tends to be smooth with relatively few rocks.  After leaving Farm Well Campground there is no water for horses.  There are a few steep portions of the trail near the top of Hager Mountain that might be difficult for mountain bikes.

                                                                         Lookout on Mt. Hager

                                                               Town of Silver City from Mt. Hager

Driving Directions to Trailheads

Trailhead from Road 2916 Crossing and Farm Well Campground
            Go .3 miles east of Silver Lake on 31 and turn left on Road 28.  After 6.1 miles turn left on Road 2916.  After 5 miles you cross the NRT #160 and can begin hiking at this point or continue another .7 miles and turn left into the Farm Well Campground.

Trailheads from Road 28
            Continue south on Road 28 another 2.8 miles from the Road 2916 junction to reach the NRT #160 crossing.  To get to Road 012 continue south on Road 28 another .2 miles and turn left on Road 012.  Follow Road 012 for 2 miles to a small parking area and trail sign to access NRT #160.

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