Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bear Creek Trailhead to Government Harvey Pass

Bear Creek Trailhead to Government Harvey Pass

            2 out of 5 for whole trail

            Bear Creek trailhead to Slide Mountain road crossing                                  4.5 miles
            Slide Mountain road crossing to Government Harvey Pass trailhead            3.5 miles
Elevation Change
            Bear Creek trailhead to Slide Mountain road crossing                                  +849 feet
            Slide Mountain road crossing to Government Harvey Pass trailhead            -293 feet

GPS Coordinates                                                Latitude                             Longitude
            Bear Creek trailhead                                 42  38.508                        120  42.308
            Slide Mountain road crossing                   42  40.646                        120  44.748
            Government Harvey Pass trailhead          42  41.948                        120  47.878

Trail Description
The trailhead to Government Harvey Camp starts on the south side of Bear Creek.  After a short rise in elevation the trail enters a long meadow with quaking aspens on the south side of the Bear Creek.  The trail may be hard to find at times as deep grass overgrows some of the trail.  Overhanging branches may also make the trail somewhat difficult for horseback riding.  The sign at the trailhead suggests no biking on this section of the trail.

You will not be the only one enjoying the meadows, as cattle are also grazing along the creek.  About 3 miles up the valley there is some confusion on the direction of the trail.  There is a trail marker on the north side of the creek, but no obvious trail.  About 100 yards above the trail, however, is a dirt road that will take you to the top of the valley to the road to Slide Mountain.  The alternative is to continue on the south side of the creek and the trail will eventually reappear.  The Slide Mountain road at the top of the valley comes off Road 28 and is signed, but the road deteriorates rapidly and is only suggested for 4WD vehicles.

The remaining 3.5 miles to Government Harvey Pass is through mostly dead lodgepole pines that are starting to fall making the trail hard to follow and awkward for horses and bikes.  There are a couple spots that allow you to scramble to the edge of Winter Ridge for a view, but I would not recommend this section of the trail.  Cattle are also grazing along the part of the trail during the summer.

                                                              Bear Creek Meadow above Bear Creek Trailhead

Driving Directions to the Trailheads

Bear Creek Trailhead

From 31 in Paisley take Road 33 south.  After 1 mile turn left on Road 3315, which rises along the west ridge of the Chewaucan Valley.  After 5.1 miles take the left junction.  After another 3.1 miles take the right junction and continue another 5.2 miles to the Bear Creek Trailhead.  The trail heading west is on the south side of Bear Creek and the trail heading east is on the north side of Bead Creek.

Government Harvey Pass Trailhead

From 31 at the southern end of Summer Lake take Road 29 9.5 miles to the top of Winter Ridge.  At 2.8 miles take the right fork.  Once on top make a left and go .1 miles to the trailhead south.  The trailhead north can be reached by taking a right at the top and going .2 miles.

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